Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Me, mother, Susan & Mary
the 90's

I cherish the memories of my Mother, Helen. 
Her love, kindness, beautiful singing voice, & generous heart are a legacy of love to her family.
 She loved the Lord. 
I find sweet comfort in knowing that I will
 see her again in heaven. 
I thank God for my wonderful mother.

My Mother taught me so much in her lifetime, but 
the greatest thing she taught me was to love others just as Christ loves you.
A new commandment I give to you,
That you love one another; as I have loved you . . .
John 13:34

Wishing you a Mother's Day filled with memories & love . . .


  1. A sweet picture, Carol. It must hold special memories for you.

    Happy Mother's Day!

    Gracious Hospitality

  2. That is a good picture. Missing Mom everyday.

  3. Such a lovely sweet snap, Carol! I wish you a wonderful Mother's Day.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. That is a very special photo. The pastor sang a song he wrote called "Mothers and Daughters" today and your picture reminded me of that. Hope that you've had a wonderful Mother's Day!
