Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ashley & Robert's Wedding

The reason our Houston family came home to Oklahoma was to attend the wedding of my brother-in-law's niece.
We started celebrating on Thursday evening when Ashley's mom, Sharon, hosted a casual family supper.
Sharon & I are classmates.  Ashley has always called me, Aunt Carol.  
I was so busy hugging babies & eating I forgot to take pictures!  

Ashley & Robert's wedding was Saturday afternoon in our hometown.

Photos courtesy,
Picturesque Photos by Amanda
Tulsa, OK
Mother & daughter before the ceremony.
My brother-in-law escorted Ashley down the aisle.
Pictures of the couple hung from each sconce in the sanctuary.

After the ceremony.
The reception was held at the Country Club.

What a pleasant surprise that the meal was breakfast!  So delicious!

Elegant cake.

Best wishes Robert & Ashley!


  1. Ashley looks very happy. May their lives together be blessed with many years of happiness. Congratulations Ashley and Robert!

  2. Best wishes to the happy couple. What a nice personal touch to have their photos all around the sanctuary and I love the idea of a breakfast for supper reception. Cool!
