Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Happy Wednesday!
Winter is not finished with us yet!
The calendar says April 10th, but today's weather feels like February.
37 degrees & rain.
My favorite red bud tree is in full bloom.
It's beautiful magenta color stands out against the grey sky.

Inside the house there are signs of spring on the mantel . . .
and in the chippy cabinet . . . 

I'm finishing Emma's pink curtains today.
Who knows, I may find another sewing project to tackle.


  1. That redbud tree is a pretty sight.
    Finishing a project is a good feeling. Be sure to get a picture of the curtains hanging in Emma's room.

  2. This spring weather is particularly crazy. We have snow in the forecast...ugh.

    Good thing spring is well established inside and it's always pleasant to have a project.
