Friday, April 5, 2013

Lunch & Shopping

I went shopping with Kari & the grandkids yesterday.
What an adventure that was!
We started out with a delicious lunch (Kari's treat) at Jason's Deli.
Our shopping mission was to buy fabric for curtains in Emma's room.
We  found the perfect pink fabric at Joann's.
When we were shopping at Hobby Lobby, Ethan & I found this Spider Man fabric.
Perfect for a pillow for his bed.

On the way home, Kari popped into Big Lots while I stayed in the van with the kids. 
We were tuckered out!
She found these cute curtain rods for Emma's room.
$8.00!   What a great deal!

Hubby is helping me get ready for our garage sale today.
But first we're going to enjoy breakfast at our favorite place.

Happy Friday!
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Looks like you are a busy bee. Hope your garage sale is a big success.

  2. Did you spend your garage sale money on breakfast before you even started? ☺ Hope that it is a fun day. That's the joy of having a yard sale...meeting folks in addition to getting some things gone.

  3. I hope you have a great sale with not too many spring showers :)
