Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Junkin' At River City

Our last shopping stop on Saturday was River City Trading Co. in Jenks.
I was about to run out of energy & money, but I did find a few things to put in my cart.
This heavy vintage tray was $1.75.
It's chippy & rusty.
Do you think I should leave it this way or paint it with chalk board paint?
This rail basket was $10.00.  I bought the liner at Walmart for $3.84.
I wanted to fill it with flowers on Sunday, but I had to wait because of the freezing night time temps we were expecting.  Last night we broke a record for low temp in April, 32 degrees.
I am so ready for warmer weather.
This unique skinny olive dish caught my eye.
It was made in Portugal & is numbered.

Susan's favorite find was this old shopping cart/basket.
She's going to use it on her patio for flowers.

Our whirlwind day of antique, junk shopping was so much fun.
We held true to our motto, "Shop til you drop!"
Can't wait to do it again.

I'm linking with . . .
Grace at Home
Rooted In Thyme


  1. Your rusty tray has a good story to tell when you look at it. I think you should leave it as is, but painting has it charm too.
    I can't wait to put flowers in my new cart. Waiting for the freezing temps to stay away.

  2. Junking is SO MUCH FUN! You found some great items! Just lovely!

  3. You mean she's not going to use her cart for shopping at the fleas? I'll get back to you on whether to paint or leave...I have no idea what I would do. I'm sure that I'd be conflicted. Wonderful finds so it's no wonder that you can't wait to get back to it!

  4. Great finds!
    Love the olive pretty.

    We are ready for warm weather too!

    Bring on the sunshine :)
