Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Show & Tell

Welcome to Friday Show & Tell!
The purple box . . . 
I found this box that belonged to my parents while I was getting ready for our garage sale.  They used it to store important papers & documents.
It contains many interesting things.
These are a few of the items. 
birth certificates 
immunization records for me & my 2 sisters
our college grade reports
Mother & Daddy's marriage license 
sale receipt for a new 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air, $3899.66
This instruction book for a hair dryer made me laugh.

canceled checks
$100 for the dining room furniture they bought from the people we bought our house from in 1963.
I remember well what Mr. Wolff said in his German accent, "A hundred dollars, yours!"  
$675 for a 1965 Opal Cadet
Notice that these checks were not personalized.
Back in the day when you wanted to write a check for a purchase you would tell the merchant what your bank was & they would hand you a blank check to fill out & sign your name.
Some of my Daddy's treasures . . . 
rings, pocket knife, tie clip
You may not be able to see that the tie clip is a basset hound.
He liked to refer to himself as a shoe dog because they owned a shoe store.
Here is an extra key to the store.
The napkins were used at their wedding in 1948.
A ticket stub from an opera I sang in my junior year in college.
My Mother's war ration book registration, she was 12 years old.

I felt like an archaeologist while I was looking at these items.
A glimpse of the history of my family.


  1. Amazing. Priceless treasures indeed! I'm sure you looked at them with much interest, smiles, and even a tear or two.

  2. Ohhhh, I'm so happy for you that it all fits in that box. Perfect! And a lot of fun to see.

  3. Wow, those items are so neat! Definitely treasures! I'd love to look through them some time =)

  4. Carol
    You are so fortunate to have such a treasure box full of memories!
    I just lost both of my folks recently and I treasure all the mementos from their life together.
    You said it-Priceless

  5. How fun! That is so interesting. I love looking at stuff like that!
