Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April Showers

I made it through April 1st with no pranks.  How about you?
Today is a cold (43) rainy day.  No sun will be seen around here until Friday.
My favorite red bud tree is struggling to bloom.  I think this crazy weather has it confused.
I'm thankful for the rain.
It could be worse.
This is what my friend, Janet is seeing outside her window in New York.
Some of my rabbit friends have gathered together to decide what their next decorating move will be.
I'm curious to see what they will do.


  1. No pranks here either. Good for that. It is cold here with snow flurries. A good day for knitting and watching Christy. I really enjoy that series but can't find the soundtrack for it. Maybe because it was done in a series?? Wishing you a cozy day.

  2. Better watch those rabbits or they will mutiply. ; )

  3. Look at that redbud! Gorgeous! we are supposed to get some rain here...sure hope so.

  4. no pranks here my friend. I am not a fan, thank goodness everyone knows it, LOL xo
