Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Bunnies Are Back

Hello, everybody!
Bosley Reed here to report that my bunny & rabbit friends are starting to arrive.
They delivered this pretty pink Easter egg to me this morning.
The first rabbits settled into the kitchen.
What's this?  
Looks like some Easter chicks showed up to make the table setting complete.
Hopefully when you visit tomorrow, more of my friends & family will have made their appearance.
Sure hope this cold snap hasn't scared them away!


  1. Didn't know the cold snap was getting you folks, too. It's very cold and snowy here, which is why the Easter decorations look so bright and cheery to me. Watch out for those rabbits!

  2. Love seeing the bunnies hop over. So sweet.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Peter Cotton tail is for sure hoppin' down the bunny trail through your house. Hippity-hop- hop, Easter's on it's way! ; )

  4. Cold snap? No thanks! I love seeing your bunnies.

  5. Oh I love your bunnies and your plates! So cute!
