Monday, March 11, 2013

Random Monday Memories

Three Twin Beds 
When I saw this picture on Pinterest a while back it stirred up a memory for me.
twin beds

I shared a bedroom with my 2 sisters for many years.  Our house had 2 bedrooms & one bath room.
A few years before a small addition was made with a third bedroom to our house, my parents bought 3 white twin beds.
Mother made 3 bedspreads & curtains from a pretty white & lilac floral fabric.
I remember how proud I was of those sweet twin beds  Yes, we were crowded in that room, but it was a beautiful room.  It was a restful space.
 I moved into the third bedroom my senior year of high school.
  My Mother made a bedspread, drapes & a tablecloth for a round bedside table.  The fabric was dark turquoise.
It was a restful space.   
I miss those days of sharing a bedroom with my sisters.

Go here to check out my 'Restful Spaces' board on Pinterest.


  1. That's a neat thing to think of Carol. I often think of my bedroom when I was a teenager. Loved decorating then too. :)

  2. I remember making my bed with that bedspread mom made, she worked so many hours on those to make our room a pretty place. The spreads had cording sewn in to line up on the edge of the bed. I would be like Felix Unger from the Odd Couple after making my bed and place a toy yarn octopus (that Grandma B made, complete with sailor hat) in the middle of my bed and line up the 8 legs just right, OCD, much. : o

  3. Oh my goodness Carol, this brought back so many fond memories, I have two sisters, we shared a bedroom with three twin beds. Thanks for the memory.

  4. That is so sweet. I think people were closer in days gone by as they learned to share their things and their lives :)

  5. Very sweet! My mom also sewed curtains.
    Like I've said before, I always wanted a sister.

  6. Sweet memory =) Kim and I shared a room for several years and it was always fun. I did enjoy having my own room once I got older, though. The bedding your mom made sounded really pretty. She was a talented woman!
