Monday, March 25, 2013

Oh, Easter Tree

Oh, Easter tree, oh, Easter tree, how lovely are your branches!
Yes, we have an Easter tree.

If you can't tell by now, I decorate for all the holidays.
I tend to go a little over board, but I enjoy doing it for the grandkids.
Several rabbit friends have gathered round the tree.
They enjoy seeing all the pretties on the tree.
They're sending you this greeting today . . .

Thanks for stopping by for a visit today!

I'm linking with . . . 
One on sidebar
Our Home Away From Home
Life on Lakeshore Drive


  1. I think that Easter trees are delightful and I'm sure that the grands love all the things they see at your place.

  2. Your Easter wonderland is a party waiting to happen. Ethan and Emma are sure to enjoy all the fun decorations at Nana and PaPaw's house.

  3. Good morning, it all looks so pretty.
    I decorate with the grands in mind too. But last night, husband told me he was was really enjoying our Easter tree, so I guess I decorate with him in mind too.
    Seasonal decorating is just fun, isn't it?

  4. Carol, that looks so pretty. I keep saying I want a white tree, but I can't ever find one at a bargain price. I also love that Easter sign in your header. laurie
