Friday, March 22, 2013

Kitchen Window Vignette

Good Friday morning, friends!
My beauty sleep (ha) was interrupted early this morning by thunder & cold rain/sleet hitting our bedroom window.  
So thankful for the much needed rain.  I keep thinking if our temperature had been colder than 38 degrees we would have gotten up this morning to snow.

I love the window ledge above my kitchen sink.
Flowers from our St. Patrick's celebration are still pretty.
Peppermint Mocha from Good Neighbor Candle Co. is my candle of  choice today.
Smells divine!
These happy little faces add a little bit of sunshine on this gloomy day.
I'm going to work on this Pinterest idea today.
I think these will be cute to stuff with Easter goodies for Ethan & Emma.

What are you doing today?
I'd love to hear about it.

I'm linking with . . .
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. Brighten the corner, where you are. : )

    My to-do list today is cleaning the bathrooms. Don't be jealous of me. ; )

    Have fun with your sewing project, the kidos are sure to love them.

  2. Carol, That shelf is such a wonderful place to display and enjoy some treasures. Your little elf people are so cute. They are sure to put a smile on your face - even if you're doing dishes. Love your cookbook holder too. laurie

  3. All is lovely in your window. I wish I felt like doing something, got a cold and sore throat today.

  4. Oh, this is so cute, Carol. I love your deep windowsill too and your have really got some sweet things going on. Love the little Rooster lamp too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. (Well I got the computers up and running again after many phone calls and lots of help. Then John and I went shopping for pet food because we decided not to put Molly down today after all, which meant she needed more food. We're praying that she just needs a little more recovery time. We did go out for lunch. Oh, and I bought a new iron because I'm sewing so much that I need to have one that I can depend on. The Rowenta just wasn't cutting it after ten years.)

    I, too, love that ledge above your sink. It really gives you a wonderful place for creating vignettes. Yours are charming. I really like the project you're doing. Hope that you'll share it because I could bend my head around it IF it goes well for you.

  6. Your home looks so cozy and I like your figurines...they are smile-makers!

  7. I love that pretty jug f flowers. Great space to decorate and you have done it so well.

  8. What I wouldn't give for a shelf at my kitchen sink/window! Your display is so cute. I love those little elves!
