Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday Tidbits

Well, the snowstorm was a no show here in Tulsa.
We did get lots of rain which was much needed.
I know there are a lot of disappointed kids this morning.
 I'm enjoying the scent of my new 
Pumpkin Pie Spice candle.
You know what this means?
Yes, I'm making banana bread today.
I'm using this recipe from my
Cream Cheese Banana Bread
Click on picture for recipe link.
The last tidbit of the day. 
Snow fun in Missouri. 
This is my brother-in-law, Mike, posing with a giant snowman in front of the college library in their Missouri town.
They also saw this snow fort in front of the Baptist Student Union which is located across the street from campus.
It's still snowing there today.

Thank you for stopping by today!
Hope your Tuesday is terrific!

I'm linking with . . .
The Self Sufficient HomeAcre
thursday favorite things


  1. I'm going to let the 3 bananas I have left get really ripe, then I'm going to try this recipe! Thanks, Carol!

  2. How unfair that Missouri got all your snow! That is one huge snowman.

    Now, do you actually review the recipes on Pinterest...just wondering...because I'd really like to know if that recipe is good.

  3. Enjoy baking and your new candle.

  4. Your banana bread looks wonderful. I can't believe the size of that snowman. I bet they had to have a lot of people to get the mid-section and head on there!

  5. Wow, I almost smelled that candle! Love the snowman...keep the snow on your side of the world - waiting for spring now! Blog hopping from Katherine's - have a nice evening.

  6. the perfect time to bake. Love the snow man and snow fort too. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop your participation is what makes it so much fun. Hugs!

  7. oops sorry I comment with the wrong account xo

  8. So yummy! And lot's of fun! Thanks so much for sharing this on The HomeAcre Hop! Hope to see you tomorrow for a special hop and a giveaway announcement! :)
