Monday, February 18, 2013

Thinking Green & Spring

Super windy today!
Whenever it's this windy I always wonder what kind of weather is coming our way.
Only time will tell.

Anyway, I'm thinking green & spring today!
I'm mulling the possibilities over in my head.
Blank spaces are waiting for spring bling to appear.

Here's some green to inspire me.
These little cuties are wanting to come out & play.

I'm linking with . . .


  1. Have fun finding green. Soon the bunnies will multiply all over your house. I painted my toenails bright green last night trying to invite green to my area. Lots of wind here too, had to take down my flag.

  2. Is the entire continent windy? It's terrible here. I keep expecting the power to go and I just heard that there'll be a thirty degree plunge in temps in the southern tier. It's already plenty cold enough in the northern one.

    Everything is at the ready just waiting for inspiration to strike. I like the green. And the rabbits. We do have to begin thinking about spring a little earlier with Easter coming on the final day of March. However, spring would look ludicrous here with what's beyond the windows.

  3. I live in Wisconsin and today the temp is forty-eight...tomorrow is supposed to be windy,with below zero windchills all day! Crazy weather lately! So, I am definitely looking forward to spring and spring decor. Jane

  4. I'm so ready for Spring, the hydrangeas are starting to bud here in Alabama so I'm getting excited! Love your bunnies :)

  5. We are having a banner year here with snow in northern Minnesota. No green here for a few months. Great start on spring with the bunnies on the chair.

  6. I just returned from Florida today and it was really windy at the beach! However, it was warm and sunny back in Georgia. I think Spring is truly almost here in our area. Your bunnies look very comfortable sitting in that chair - so cute! I cannot wait for Easter!

  7. Those bunnies are so cute! We don't have wind here, but it's been raining non-stop for ever it feels like, until today when the sun came out for a while!

  8. We are having our spring right now in the desert. Soon it will be blazing hot, so I am trying to enjoy everything now. Love your pretty spring plants and pictures. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  9. It really takes some "pondering" sometimes to figure out just what to do, but that can be a really fun part of the process, right? My bunnies crawled through the fence and started playing around here. Well, I don't really have too much in the very "Eastery" type stuff, so I stick mostly with Spring.

  10. Just went down to the basement today assessing what I had handy to decorate and where to put it. I spend a good time trying to organize everything! Your post came right on time...shows I'm not the only one trying to figure things ouT Have a great week! Came hopping over from the Country French Cottage Party.
    Lizy @
