Saturday, February 16, 2013

Snow Storm

We had a snowstorm last night!
Did I get your attention?
Hubby snapped this picture with his phone this morning before we went to breakfast.
I've given up all hope of a big snow this winter.
I'm going to start decorating for spring this week.

Happy Saturday everyone!


  1. Early spring must be in the plan for OK this year. Wish that I could say the same. Why do I have this urge to show you the photo of my snow-laden roof? ☺

  2. We weren't supposed to get much and we got 3 inches of beautiful fluffy snow. lol
    Go figure.
    And the moms had to postpone their vacation to Myrtle Beach because of snow there. :-)

  3. It's never too early for Spring! Have fun (**

    P.S. It's in the eighties here today
