Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Small World

Have you ever seen a person & thought to yourself,
"I think I know who they are."
Well, that happened to me Sunday afternoon.
Hubby & I attended a reception for our friend, Bob, who was retiring after being a barber for 50 years.
When we walked in I saw a woman holding a super cute baby. Her smiling face was one I was pretty sure I had seen before.
An hour passed & when I looked at the table of people behind us I noticed another person I knew I had seen before.  I was starting to put 2 & 2 together.
The beautiful red headed girl sitting at the table behind me was Whitney. I've been reading her blog for several years. I discovered her blog because she is a good friend to my daughter-in-law, Kari's, cousin's wife.  After I introduced myself, explaining who I was & the connection I asked her why she was at the reception.  I could not believe it when she told me that her grandpa was the honoree's brother!
It is a small world.   I met her mother, the lady I thought I knew when we walked in the door.  Both of them are so warm & friendly.
Isn't her baby, Ezra, adorable? Her oldest son, Levi, is equally as cute.

You can visit Whitney's blog by clicking on the picture below.
The Glamorous Life of a Housewife


  1. So cool.
    I love it when these things happen!

  2. Fun story. Kind of like "The 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon".

  3. Oops, I think it is actually 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. : o

  4. How fun! What a cute picture of the three of you.

  5. Hi Carol! Oh, that's marvelous! You three look adorable! I'll have to go and visit her blog.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Bob was my dad's barber, Carol. He's sad the man retired.
    Enjoyed the story. ;)
