Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Winter Days

It's cloudy & gloomy today.  That's a good thing because we're getting a little rain.  I enjoy rainy days. (I'm still longing for snow.)   It gives me a chance to get warm & cozy with a cup of coffee, a blanket & a good magazine like my newest "The Cottage Journal".
It is full of inspiration . . . 
Thanks again Sis Sue for the magazine subscription!

Of course I enjoy sunny days in the winter, too.
I took these pictures of few days ago when the evening sunlight was streaming in the dining room window.  
BTW, my clock is broken & always shows 11:56.
I love the warming evening light.
Whether you're having rain, snow, or sunshine I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday.


  1. Oooo, I have to get this the pics. Everything looks so cozy.


  2. Glad you are enjoying it. That magazine in my fav right now. Love the fact there are no ads in it.

  3. Similar weather minus the rain...cozy time weather. That is a beautiful magazine.

  4. I got a subscription to that for Christmas. Can't wait to get it. :)

  5. We're due for a big storm.
    Forecast of deep snow, and temperatures in the negatives.

    It's definitely nesting weather :)

    Enjoy your cozy time.

  6. I love the sunshine pictures. I really like taking pictures in that light. We had a light dust of snow last night. So it seems warm and cozy today inside :)

  7. I've never seen that magazine, may have to go looking. Does 11:56 hold special meaning? If not, have you considering changing it to moment that does?
