Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Snowy Note Cards

I'm joining Vee for her January Note Card Party.
I don't have any snow pictures from this winter, so I dug back in posts from years past.

Snowy scenes form 2009

Snowy Barnyard 

Falling Snowflakes

Snowy Drive

Snowy White Church

I hope you'll visit Vee & see who's partying with her this week.


  1. wow, i love the snowy shots. would be great for note cards. i am really enjoying blogland with all the snowy views. January just does not feel real without any snow. thank you for your shots. no snow here in VA. ( :

  2. I used to find Tulsa streets quite difficult to navigate in snowy weather...hills and curves...and not a lot of sand or salt on the highway to provide traction. Wonderful photos of Oklahoma snow...hope you get at least a little more to satisfy the yen.

    (I fixed your link as it took me to last month's party and not this month's.)

  3. Love your snowy note cards, Carol, especially the church hidden behind the trees, so pretty.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. I enjoy how snow makes every detail that it lands on pop.

  5. Really pretty photos!

    We are getting a wintery mix of rain,sleet and freezing rain...would rather have your lovely snow!


  6. Love love love your snowy note cards. I'll take 2 boxes, please. :))
    Come have tea with me....

  7. After photographing in all vibrant four season, I find my favorite photos are snow scenes! Why, I can't say but there is just something about snow scene. Thanks for sharing how your area looks in snow!

  8. Everybody loves snow scenes - just as long as we don't absolutely have to travel through them, LOL! No snow here yet either.

  9. Love the falling snowflakes shot!

  10. Love how you caught the falling snow in the second pic:@)

  11. Great snow scenes. I love the last two. Blessings, Pamela

  12. How beautiful!
    Your header is gorgeous too!

  13. We don't get snow down here so I really enjoyed your snowy cards! The church hiding in the trees is especially lovely.

  14. Hi Carol
    Great snow photos for note cards - I really love the one taken from the car - perfect and in focus!
    I take quite a few photos from the car when my husband is driving - but often they're just a blur LOL!!!

    I see you're in Vicki's Blog Party too - I still have to write my bio tonight!!
    Good luck with yours!

    Do pop over and say hello if you get a mo!
    Shane ♥

  15. Hi Carol
    Great snow photos for note cards - I really love the one taken from the car - perfect and in focus!
    I take quite a few photos from the car when my husband is driving - but often they're just a blur LOL!!!

    I see you're in Vicki's Blog Party too - I still have to write my bio tonight!!
    Good luck with yours!

    Do pop over and say hello if you get a mo!
    Shane ♥
