Saturday, January 12, 2013

One Day Changes

The weather changes so quickly in our neck of the woods.
70 degrees yesterday, 39 right now!
<3 Winter <3
We may get a little of the white stuff.
Time will tell . . .


  1. Lucky you! It's all humid and foggy here. Just plain yukky!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. We are getting very warm temps. this weekend, but they say next week will be colder.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. I'm watching closely because eventually it lands here. =D That's a crazy shift. Do you also say that the weather shifts make people sick as in ill not disgusted? Aiming for clarity here.

  4. Wow, that is some change! It is 77 degrees here today in southern Georgia & it feels like Spring! Hoep you have a wonderful weekend! Stay cozy & warm!

  5. Hoep=Hope
    My fingers were tap dancing a little too fast.... ~smile~

  6. I liked yesterday. I had fun with the grands in the backyard. We saw sleet in Perkins while we were out this morning. But who knows if we will get snow?

  7. In our neck of the woods it was 60 at midnight last night now it is in the 20's and sleet with 2-3 inches of snow possible later this evening.

  8. What a swing in temperatures.

    We just had a big snow storm, and now the temps are in the single digits during the daytime, and the temps fall into the negatives at night.

    Looking forward to Spring :)
