Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Day Traditions

Our traditions on New Year's Day . . .
Watch the Pasadena Rose Parade . . .
Eat black eyed peas no matter what else is on the menu
Watch college football bowl games . . . 

Today we are having pizza for lunch.  Won't black eyed peas taste good with that?  Maybe if we add enough salsa.  Ha!  
OSU plays Purdue in the Heart of Dallas Bowl.  
That's why we're having pizza.  

What are some of your New Year's Day traditions?

Here's a new tradition I want to start this year.
I saw this on Facebook & thought it was a great idea!

Happy 2013 to everyone!
Blessings to you all!


  1. As you can tell, I am out blogging this morning Carol. ~grin~ black eye peas and collard greens are on our menu today. I like the note jar idea, I think I just might find a jar today, thank you for sharing.
    Enjoy your day.

  2. Happy New Year Carol! I'm up early drinking coffee by the fire. Rose Parade doesn't start for another hour and a half. We call it the Real Estate Parade, because people see the nice weather and move to California. We have steak and scallops planned for dinner ~ no black eyes peas (**

  3. This must be the Su Su comment day, Carol. (Sue, Susy and Susan are your commenters so far.)
    New Years Day doesn't hold many traditions for me. Usually I'm taking down Christmas decorations. Guess that could be a tradition.
    Love the jar idea, BTW.

  4. Hi Carol -- your amazing blog is just now loaded into the post for my Grow Your Blog party - so you are all set! See you on January 19 -- at the party!


    1. Happy 2013, Vicki! So glad you stopped by & reminded me about the party. Looking forward to seeing you on the 19th!


  5. We have our tummy's full of black eye pea's and mustard greens.:)

    Have a Happy Blessed fun 2013!!

    ~Jo @ LoblollyLane
