Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lazy Saturday

Hello, friends!
Hubby & I enjoyed breakfast at Savoy this morning.
We delivered some of their delicious cinnamon rolls to a friend.
Then we shopped at Sam's, which always wears me out.
Now, I'm relaxing, checking out blogs & Pinterest.
Yes, I'm lazy today.
The crumbs I saw under the kitchen table during lunch will have to wait.


  1. Sam's makes me tired too, but I sure do like their groceries and am always happy when our kitchen is stocked with that good produce and giant boxes in the pantry.

    yummy cinnamon rolls!

  2. There's a lot of walking in such great big stores. I did Super Wal*Mart today and that was enough for me.

    Those cinnamon buns must have been tempting. Mighty.

  3. That sounds like a good Saturday to me. :)

  4. Hi Carol! Sounds good to me and those cinnamon rolls look so yummy. There you are looking so cute.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Nice to share with friends, very thoughtful of you.

  6. Now that sounds like a great day!

  7. Nothing like a lazy day with cinnamon rolls!!! Sounds wonderful right now!
