Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Green Goodness

I bought a bag of avocados at Sam's on Saturday.

reasons why avocados are so good for you

I'm experimenting with different avocado recipes.
Yesterday I made a grilled avocado, cheddar & salsa sandwich for lunch.
 Sorry, no picture.
I didn't follow a recipe, but I was inspired by this recipe on Pinterest.
Click on pictures for recipes.
Avocado grilled cheese - YUM!!! 

Today I'm using this idea, but I'm going to make it in the oven instead of the grill.
grilled avocado with melted Parmesan cheese & lime
Grilled avocado with melted Parmesan cheese & lime.

Here are a few more delicious ideas for avocados that I want to make.

cranberry and avocado Salad
I will omit the candied almonds & use a few chopped pecans.

spinach salad with chicken, avocado and goat feta cheese
I just can't do goat cheese!

avocado fries
Avocado Fries Recipe

I want to do this with an avocado pit . . . 
I think the grandkids might enjoy watching it sprout & grow.

I'm linking with . . .

Sunny Simple Life


  1. Hi there, I love avocado's! We mash them up and put it on toast-almost like Guacamole. I had no idea though and at the benefits.
    Thanks for sharing these dishes with us!
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. Tastey looking dishes. The sprouting pit will be fun for everyone. Enjoy!

  3. Mmm! Gotta love those good fats! Those recipes look great! Nice to see other ideas besides guacamole--I may just have to try some of those. Coconut oil is another super healthy fat that aids in weight loss. I've been trying to find ways to incorporate that into my diet lately.

    Glad you posted this!

  4. Yum!!! I got about a dozen in my Bountiful Basket on Saturday - I love those things just to peal and eat - -- they never name it to the cooking pot! Thanks for sharing these good sounding recipes - - LAM

  5. Oh I wish that I liked avocado for all the reasons stated.

  6. Carol, the avocado sandwich looks utterly delicious. I love them but can't get my hubby to touch them; he has no idea what he is missing out on.



  7. I never heard of cooking them. I learned something from you, Teacher.

  8. We love avocadoes. My hubby started a avocado tree from a seed right after we were married and now it is 10 years old. It is a beautiful tree and we bring it into our greenhouse each winter. Maybe someday we will have avocados on it!

  9. Avocado fries...now that's a new one, however, I'm really big on grilled cheese with avocado.

  10. I'm going to try that avocado and cheese sandwich tonight. Avocados are so good for you.

