Saturday, December 8, 2012

Some Of My Favorites

I think my favorite Christmas movie is "White Christmas".
I love musicals.  As you know the songs in this show are great.
Another favorite . . . 
And who could forget this classic . . . 
Here's my vignette of the flag pole scene from
 "A Christmas Story".

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!


  1. "White Christmas" is my number 1 pick. "The Nativity" is nicely done.
    I enjoy "Prancer" with Sam Elliot. The little girl in that movie has determination that is inspiring to me.

  2. I have already watched my White Christmas dvd---I never fail to laugh at the "sisters" duet! I also swoon and sing along to "The Best Things Happen While You're Dancing"---love Danny Kaye.
    Carol, did you every get the dvd of The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey? It is one of my favorites and I'll be watching that soon.

  3. We were watching a movie today that John wanted to watch...Home Alone...the first one. He does get such a kick out of it. My favorite is A Christmas Story and then It's a Wonderful Life. Oh, just looking at Cindy's comment about The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey...know the book, must check out the movie.

  4. We were just talking tonight about the stage production of White Christmas we saw three years ago ~ it was wonderful. My favorite too. Christmas blessings. xo
