Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!
The gifts are under the tree.
Stockings are stuffed & ready to be hung tonight.
We bought this little snow shovel for Ethan at the grocery store yesterday.
It looks like the chances are 100% we will have a white Christmas.
I admit it, I'm like a little kid when it comes to snow & especially if it snows on Christmas.
I believe we're going to have a wonderful Christmas!
Have yourself a merry little Christmas . . .


  1. Merry Christmas Eve to you. It's raining here in SoCal ~ but that's okay cause I'm stayin in wrapping presents and cooking for the family dinner tonight. Christmas Blessings.

  2. Loved hearing that vintage song sung by Judy. Sweet, sweet and it took me flying back through the years. I think I landed in 1959. =D

    Snow for Christmas? Our pastor's daughter is here from her home in Tulsa and her six-year-old has most earnestly prayed for snow. Guess that he wasn't clear about where he wanted it. =D
    Enjoy! It'll be very sweet I am sure.

  3. The snow shovel is perfect--Ethan will love it! I think he got his Nana's excitement about snow! =) We are sooo excited about tomorrow!
