Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

Merry day after Christmas!
We had a wonderful time together on Christmas.
Before we opened gifts we had a munchie brunch.
The kids had fun ripping into their gifts and of course we enjoyed watching.
Ethan's favorite gift was his Spider-Man drum set.
He already has the beat, following in Daddy's footsteps.

Snow was a no show for our part of Oklahoma, we were all a little disappointed.
Did you have a white Christmas?


  1. Watching children open their gifts is always a treat, it looks like a wonderful Christmas you had, thanks for sharing.

  2. So much fun for the kids and for Nana and Papaw. Looks like a winner with or without snow. We had our leftover snow hanging around in some parts of the yard and a few stray snowflakes.

  3. No snow? Rats! But who needs snow when you already had everything you needed? I'm glad that the little guy is following in daddy's footsteps else I'd be concerned what your kids are thinking of you today. =D

  4. It was so much fun!! I'm always sad when it's all over. But here's to a wonderful 2013!
