Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekly Words To Live By #124

Day 18 of Thanksgiving . . . 
I'm thankful that God gives 2nd chances . . . 
Wow I love this... If you ever think God can't use you

Wishing you a Sunday of forgiveness . . . 


  1. What a great post!
    Makes one thank that there IS hope
    for us all.

  2. God can use anyone...and, more importantly, He can change anyone.

  3. This is a great reminder that those in the bible who did significant things, we're also human just like us. Sunday blessings. xo

  4. Great post, Carol! God can even use me! :)
    Have a wonderful week.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  5. I love this and feel the same way Susy does--it's neat to know that even those greats in the Bible were just like we are! Human! So thankful for God's Amazing Grace!
