Friday, November 9, 2012

Pumpkin Muffins

Day 9 of Thanksgiving . . . 
I'm so thankful for my parents, Gerald & Helen.
They showed me how to work hard, love God & others, & so much more.
I miss them so much!  
Kari & the grandkids came over to spend the day with me yesterday.
We had 'pigs in the blanket' for lunch & pot roast, carrots & potatoes for dinner.
Kari & I tried a new recipe for dessert, Pumpkin Poppers.
Yep, you guessed it, I found the recipe on Pinterest.
Here's the recipe.
Instead of making mini muffins we decided to make regular size muffins, I guess this recipe should be called Pumpkin Muffins for us.  Next time I will make the mini version.  
They are delicious.  When Ethan saw them cooling on the cake stand.he grabbed one when we weren't looking & started munching.  So funny!

Happy Friday to you all!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

I'm linking with . . .


  1. Aww, good for you Ethan ~ get 'em while they're hot (: What a sweet, homey post. Makes me happy. xo

  2. Yummy yum!!! Pumpkin muffins are one of my favorite things to make! They really make the kitchen smell delightful! All of the food you made sounds delicious. Your thankfulness list is really meaningful and precious. :)

  3. Sounds like a fun day!

    Pumpins muffins sound delicious too!
    Perfect for Fall.

  4. I know I miss my may family, just my younger brother and I are left.
    Your Pumpin muffins smell so good. LoL!

  5. I love that picture of you and your parents. So sweet.

    Those pumpkin muffins were delicious!!! The perfect balance of sweetness and pumpkin! Must make again =)

  6. Yes they worked so very hard all their lives.
    I miss them to, but the get re done attitude still lives on!

  7. So sweet! Your pumpkin muffins look so good.
