Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 26 Of Thanksgiving

I am thankful for technology.
I enjoy the technology of my laptop computer & IPhone.
My niece has been sending me the sweetest pictures of her girls to my phone via photo stream.
Thanks for all the great pictures, April!
I'm so tempted to jump in the car & drive to Houston.
I'm in transition with my holiday decorating.
All the fall decorations are packed up & ready to go back to the attic.
I hated to see the pumpkins leave.
Now it's time to start decorating for Christmas.
My trees are up & waiting to be decorated.
This is our family room tree from last year.
The piano room tree 2011.
I'm starting to get inspired seeing these pictures.
Stand by for Christmas Bling 2012.
My plan is to have everything finished in one week.
Where are you with you Christmas decorating? 


  1. wow. your trees and decorations are wonderful. And those pictures of your so sweet!

  2. Elise and Madison have such fun personalities in this picture. Happy decorating this week.

  3. Hi Carol! What cute little sweeties! I've been trying to take down my Fall too and my dining room table looks like yours! We've got to get our Christmasing on!
    Be a sweetei,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Like you, I'm so sad to see the pumpkins go. I may have to turn the white one into a snowman head on the stoop. LOL

  5. From those photos, you sure had some pretty trees last year! I'm sure this year will be no different. Seems like Christmas is coming fast!

    Hugs to you!

  6. I love how just seeing photos on someone's blog can be inspiring. We just have to get inspired and stay inspired until we get all our own work finished! Your trees from last year were beautiful.

  7. Can't wait to see it all! Your home is always so inviting, especially during the holidays.
