Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 14 Of Thanksgiving

I am so very thankful for my new doctor, Dr. Sarah Oberste!
She is such a blessing in helping me with improving my health!

Guess where we're eating Thanksgiving dinner this year?
The kids are spending Thanksgiving with Kari's family, so Hubby & I have decided to eat out on Thanksgiving.
This looks pretty good to me!
We can also do a little shopping while we're there.

Thank you for stopping by today, hope you're having a fantastic week!


  1. Your Doctor looks like she has a charming personality.
    Cracker Barrel.....yum.

  2. Doctors are so important. I pray we can continue to choose them for ourselves. And we ate out last Thanksgiving and had a very lovely time. How can you go wrong at Cracker Barrel:)

  3. Hi Carol. Wat a pretty doctor you have and so glad to hear she's such a great one. OH, I just love Cracker Barrel and what a treat for you that you don't have to cook.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Now that looks like a yummy place to eat and saves all the clean up afterwards :)
