Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Shopping & Decorating Fun

My sisters just left a few minutes ago which brings to an end our "Fall Festival Birthday Celebration".
Our time together was filled with shopping, food, talking and redecorating 3 spaces in my house.
Saturday we shopped at River City Trading Post in Jenks.  We also shopped Target looking for items to decorate with.
We spent about 2 hours at River City looking for mirrors & frames to decorate my piano room.
Here is my decorating team hard at work helping me decide what to buy.
Mission accomplished!
This is the arrangement we settled on for the grouping.
We couldn't spray paint because of wind so that had to wait until Sunday.
Susan started early Sunday morning doing the first coat of white paint.
Late Sunday night we hung all the pieces.
The final result . . . 
I love it!

Come back tomorrow & I'll show you more of our decorating projects.

I'm linking with . . .



  1. That just sounds like such a fun way to spend your birthday week, Carol. The frames and mirrors look great. I really like that look myself.

  2. You gals should get together more often! Great job.

  3. They look so good, Carol. I love all the new updates!!

  4. I like that you painted them white. Looks great!

  5. The frames turned out terrific! What a fun way to spend time together too! Thanks for sharing this at my party this week. I am featuring this on my Facebook page too :-)

  6. cute frames. Love how they are grouped on the wall

  7. It looks beautiful on your wall! Great job!

  8. That turned out great! Love using different frames to spice up a wall!

  9. I think your wall turned out fabulous! I love your blog. I'm following now... I hope you will come by and say hi. :)

