Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New Additions In The Kitchen

My sisters showered me with so many gifts during the 5 days they were here I felt spoiled!
Susan gave me some cute dish towels . . .
a pinch of this . . .
a dash of that . . .
also a new owl for my kitchen window ledge . . .
the wise gardener

When we visited our hometown we shopped in this neat store.
I found this cute rooster lamp that was perfect for my kitchen desk.
Sister, Mary, snatched it out of my hand & insisted on buying it for me.

See, I told you they spoiled me!


  1. Love those towels. I was wondering where you got that lamp from. So nice of your sisters to give you a whole week of redecorating and gifts!!

  2. It's lovely to be spoiled and you deserve it, I'm sure. I'd like to shop in that hometown store. It looks so quaint and charming.

  3. The little roster lamp is the perfect warm touch in your computer nook, looks cute on the wood box.

  4. How fun to be treated to so many nice things from your sisters!
    They sure do love you :)

    Looks like you gals had a great time together too!

    Smile :)

  5. All your gifts look so great! I love the rooster lamp.

  6. Sweet sisters. Something tells me you deserve to be spoiled.

  7. They sure did! Love all of your sweet gifts and I'm drooling over your little Rooster lamp. Wish I had some sisters.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
