Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Miss October

My sister, Susan, reminded me yesterday to bring out Miss October & put her on display.
This little beauty used to belong to Susan.
Two years ago Susan passed Miss October on to me while I was in the hospital.
She can't remember who gave her this sweet figurine for one of her birthdays.
She thought I gave it to her, but I can't remember.  I thought one of our grandmas gave it to her.
She is a pleasant reminder that Susan & I both have October birthdays.

Happy 2nd day of October everyone!
Have a terrific Tuesday!

I'm linking with . . .


  1. Happy Birthday month, Carol! Miss October is very sweet. Somewhere I have one similar for my winter birthday.

  2. So darling and such a sweet gift.Happy birthday this month. Denise

  3. wow!!! so adorable miss October...


  4. Happy Birthday to both of you...ahead of time! Your Miss October is very sweet. I have a small figurine on my dresser that I hold dear, after many years. And I used to bring home every 'Holly Hobbie' figurine I could find and afford. Little blessings make for happy days, don't they.

  5. I think it is a Lefton Brand. I tried to find info on the internet about her, never found that exact one. I always like seeing her when October rolls around. She brings such a familiar comfort.
