Thursday, October 11, 2012

Let The Fun Begin

Beans are in the crock pot . . .

The house is clean . . . 
Sister's will arrive shortly after 12:00 . . .
Let the fun begin . . . 
Tomorrow we are traveling here . . .
We will be searching for The Pioneer Woman's footprints . . .
We want to eat lunch here . . .
and shop here . . . 

Hope the weather cooperates!


  1. Oh that should be fun looking for PW. I hope that you find at least a footprint.

  2. Carol, looks like some great places to have a fun celebration. Happy Birthday! laurie

  3. Just color me green with envy and then go have a ton of fun!
    I'll look forward to at least one blog post about your time together. :-)

  4. Hope you can catch a sighting of PW! Cant wait to hear about your adventures!

  5. Hopefuly the weather will cooperate. Happy Birthday. Crock pot full of beans is a good starting place.
