Wednesday, August 15, 2012


"If I look confused it's because I'm thinking."
Samuel Goldwyn

I'm thinking . . .
and pondering . . .
ideas . . .
for decorating . . .
and rearranging for . . .
transitioning to fall decorating.
I'm confused about what to do.
Maybe a little back to school decor.
It's 38 days until the first day of fall.
Can't wait for my favorite season to begin!
Fabulous Fall
How about you?


  1. This is so funny, Carol. I just posted on Facebook about getting ready to redo my kitchen hutch for Fall.

    It is time!


  2. Certainly ready for fall temps. Bring on the pumpkins. : )

  3. Yes ma'am, I'm ready for Fall too. I'm not going back to work since we just moved so I'll actually have time to enjoy it. :)

  4. Hi Carol! Well, I've got the puzzled look too as I'm thinking about fall decorating too! We'll all have our leaves and pumpkins shining really soon.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Oh Carol, you just read my mind. I am so ready for Fall and fall decorating. I usually start decorating for fall around October 1st. I may have to start a little early this year. God bless.
