Monday, August 20, 2012

School House Mantel

My mantel is a tribute to the one room school house.
A fun book featuring one room school houses across America.
Rose Hill School , located in Perry, Oklahoma.
My 4th grade class visited here every year for a day of learning circa 1910.
One year my mother went with us.  This is a little picture of us standing by the front door.
She had such a great time.  What a wonderful memory that is.
The book is an inspirational, true story about a school in Oklahoma.
My mother bought this schoolmarm and scholar figurine for me one day when we were shopping in Dollar General.  I found the book in an antique shop years ago.
Vintage school books & a school house music box that plays 'School Days".
Apples for the teacher on my little cupboard.
Have you ever visited a one room school house?

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  1. There is a one room school house just one block from where we live. I should check it out sometime. Clever mantel idea. Looks cute.

  2. ohhhhh my goodness, I love that vignette on your mantle. Your blog is such a delight.



  3. What a fun post!
    You are so creative and always come up with interesting posts :)

    I have visited a few one room school houses.
    Simpler times....

    Have a great day!
    Smiles :)

  4. Very neat carol! I love these vintage school houses and have visited a few myself.

  5. I love your theme. Both my mom's parents taught in one room school houses and my mom went to a one room school house when she was in the 1st grade and had many delightful stories about that year.

  6. Pretty and fun mantel my friend. You are very creative, I'd love to make a back to school vignette..once I get back home, as I'm taking care of my grands, 3 hours away from home. Have a great week.

  7. I love your mantlescape, especially that cute little cupboard with the apples on it.

  8. Love the mantel, so cute and I just love to visit old schools and imagine what all went on. Great post. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  9. What great one-room school treasures you have. I love the way you arranged them on the mantel. laurie
