Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pinterest Winners

Kari & I made two yummy recipes from Pinterest yesterday for dinner.
I have made these bread sticks once before. 
Easy peasy, make the dough in the breadmaker.
Click on picture for Pinterest link
Here are the leftovers, testament to just how delicious they are.
I definitely need to make these more often.

Next we made this cast iron skillet apple pie.
cast iron skillet apple pie...yum!
Click on picture for Pinterest link.
We reduced the sugars to 1/2 cup each.
Still very sweet & melt in your mouth delicious!
Can you tell everyone loved it?

Linking with . . .

French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday Graphic_thumb[3]
Seasonal Sunday Teapot copy


  1. Betty Crocker eat your heart out!

  2. Both look so delicious, Carol, thanks for the links! Our apples will soon be ready for harvest, and the apple pie in the skillet sounds tempting. Thanks for sharing.

  3. You are a good cook, will have to try both.

  4. Looks delicious! I love new recipes!

  5. Both dishes look so delicious! I love the skillet apple pie. I'll have to try this one. I gave my bread machine away, the bread was so good we were eating way to much! Visiting over from SS…….

    The French Hutch

  6. These look great. Wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  7. I'm going to make one of those pies. Yum!

  8. Delicious!! I would love for you to drop by My Dream Canvas. I am also hosting a giveaway to win a 50 dollar gift card to HomeGoods. Do please enter the giveaway if you like :)
