Thursday, July 5, 2012

It Was A Blast

We had a wonderful time celebrating the 4th!
We were a little late for the subdivision parade,
but we still walked up to the pool to watch a fire truck spray water.
We started a tradition last year of taking pictures with our
Uncle Sam.

Little Miss Red, White & Blue

Waiting for the fireworks to begin.
Ethan was not too excited.
He wanted to go home, especially after the show began.

There were fireworks on all sides of us.
It was definitely one of the best displays we have seen in several years.


  1. Looks like you had a blast!

    That's a fun thing for the firetruck to do.... blast water for the kids!

    Enjoy you weekend!

    Smiles :)

  2. Ethan sure did grown several inches in a year's time. Emma is looking like a big girl. Hot time in T-town, ending your day with a bang looked fun. We had a few fireworks we could see out of our front window, and finished off with Boston Pops on TV.

  3. Awww...some children are much more sensitive to all that commotion and noise. I was an Ethan. I think I still am.

    Glad that you had such a fun day and I really like the pictures with Uncle Sam. If Uncle Sam doesn't start eating his wheaties, they'll be going by him next year!

  4. What a beautiful family you have. I found your blog over at Kelly's on her bathroom tour. You have a great blog and I'm your newest follower! Blessings, Dani

  5. Looks like you had a great day!! I loved all the pictures. Such a cute idea to take pictures with Uncle Sam :)
