Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Veggie Tales

I'm not a vegetarian, but I do love veggies.
Hubby brought home more tomatoes yesterday.
This will be my lunch today.
Baked Parmesan Tomatoes
(click on picture for recipe link)
Baked Parmesan Tomatoes

We shopped for fresh vegetables at a couple of fresh produce 
stands near our house over the weekend.
We were shocked by the high prices.  
I wanted to buy black berries to make a cobbler, 
but at almost $6.00 for a pint, I passed.
Oven roasted green beans for tonight's dinner.
I discovered several years ago that this was delicious.
Snap off the ends, toss beans in a small amount of olive oil,
place on cookie sheet sprayed with Pam.
Sprinkle with salt, pepper and garlic powder.
 Bake at 425° F. for 10 minutes, or until crisp-tender.

Do you have any great fresh veggie recipes?


  1. Always looking for new way to do our veggie's. I know what you mean about the cost, our country market is so high I have passed up treats .
    Thanks for the great link.

  2. Looks like a great dinner to me :)

    I love roasted cauliflower, and brown sugar carrots.

    Have a lovely day :)

    Smiles :)

  3. Farmer's market are quit expensive, thanks for the recipe on green beans they are one of my favorite veggies. Wishing you and your family a very blessed and happy 4th of July celebration.

  4. That sounds wonderful. We love fresh veggies and fruits. Too bad you don't live closer as I would give you some black berries. I have black berry vines coming over our fence and we get lots of black berris for free and we don't even have to go any where!

  5. I love sauteeing fresh green beans in a little olive oil or butter, add a few slices of onion, seasoned pepper and a little sprinkle of sugar to caramalize. Yum!

    Happy 4th!

  6. I'm so jealous you have fresh tomatoes! They're my favorite and I haven't had any for so long. I used to be able to find someone around Cushing to buy from but it's not so easy any more.
