Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pinterest Project

When I saw this idea on Pinterest the other day I knew this was one Pinterest project I could easily start & finish within a few minutes.
I've always liked crafting & sewing projects that could be done quickly.

Plastic Carton Scoop
Turn a Plastic Jug Into a Scoop
click on picture for Pinterest source
I used a gallon milk carton for my scoop.
This would be a great scoop for pet food, potting soil, birds seed . . .
corn meal

Have you made something from your Pinterest pins lately?

This about sums up how addicting Pinterest is?
Pinterest Pinterest
Of course I would never say this to my hubby!

I'm linking with . . .
Inspiration Friday Graphic
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. You go girl! thats wonderful to have actually made the scoop...and I'll give it a try too! I admire things on Pinterest often...and haven't really made anything yet. So, maybe your post will get me going.

  2. Hi Carol! Woo Hooness! I love this. I actually thought about doing this as I threw out the milk carton this morning! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. What a great way to use up milk cartons!

  4. yea you did it lol! I've done a lot of pinterest projects & added more to the list lol!

  5. I absolutely love this idea Carol, you did a wonderful job, I like all the uses you have shown! I have wanted to try Pinterest, but just can't seem to figure out how it works, maybe when the weather cools and the days get shorter i will have more time to figure it out, by then they will probably have come up with something else. lol I wish i was more computer savvy.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Carol, I love the scoop. Will have to make one for my dog food too. I should challenge myself to complete one pinterest project a week. At least a fairly easy one :@)
