Saturday, July 14, 2012

2 Inches Of Rain

 We got two inches of rain at our house yesterday afternoon!
Yep, the rain drops were about 2 inches apart on the sidewalk!
In other words, we only got a teeny tiny bit of rain.
In other parts of town this happened.
Micro burst leaves trees, power lines down all over south Tulsa
Flooding in south Tulsa.
A large tree split near 71st and Lewis.
near 71st & Lewis

All this happened just a few miles from our house.


  1. Wow, some really weird weather. Happens here too, so glad you are ok. Hugs, Marty

  2. Weird is right ~ the weather is unusual all over the country.
    We've had sprinkles for the last two days, and I can't remember it ever raining here in July. Glad you're safe and sound.

  3. Glad you didn't get the damage, but too bad you didn't get any rain.

  4. we heard thunder here on the north side of Stillwater but no rain either.
    We did get a short shower Weds. afternoon.
    More would be nice but I am thankful for the rain the got.

    Yikes to all that damage!

  5. That is scary! Hope we get back to just plain old summer time soon.
    Liked your pretty flowers and feathered friends post.

  6. This happened in our town last week the , we are having very unusual weather patterns this year. Hope you get some rain with out the storms.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Wow! I am glad your neighborhood didn't get that!

  8. Scary! and how thankful you must be that your home is untouched!
