Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Victory & A Verdict

It was a "thunder"ous victory last night for the 
OKC thunder over the Miami Heat.
Woo hoo!

Yesterday, Kari brought the grandkids & her nephew, Levi, who she babysits, over for lunch and an afternoon of playtime.
Her sister, Kim (Levi's Mommy), 
joined us during her lunch break.
I served salad, Sam's roasted chicken, mac & cheese & parmesan bread.
Now for the verdict on two recipes I made from Pinterest.
Delicious!  I will be making this again.  
This needs to be tweaked a little.
It was too dry. The taste was okay, but needs more seasoning.
  I think I will reduce the cook time to 2 hours & use larger noodles next time.
 You couldn't even tell that I used elbow macaroni.  
It looked more like a cheese casserole instead of mac & cheese.

Thanks for visiting today, hope your week is going well!


  1. Nothing ventured nothing gained. The bread sounds good. Better luck next time on the mac/cheese.

  2. I like that it is machine bread , I need to get the old machine out and may try this.Thanks

  3. Congrats on the win for your favorite team!

    Good to know how the recipes turned out.
    I'll have to give the bread a try.

    Catch ya later...
