Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saturday Snapshots

Hubby and son are out & about doing fun stuff
 with cars today.
They're scoping out the cars at the 40th
Leake Car Show & Auction at the Tulsa Fairgrounds.

I'm content here at home puttering around.
I started my morning with my Pioneer Woman inspired breakfast.
I call it egg-in-a basket.
She says you can call it many names like
frog-in-a-hole, bird's nest egg, or pop eyes.
This is the bread I used.
I toast the circle cutouts on the sides of the pan while the eggs are cooking.
The mini toast circles are delicious with a little
  Smucker's sugar free red raspberry preserves.

Here are a few cute pictures of the grandkids from last night.
playing in the curtains . . .
Ethan showing his Thunder spirit . . .
sweet Emma . . .
riding tandem on the retro rocket . . .

Time for another cup of coffee & more puttering around the house.
Have a great weekend . . .

I'm linking with . . .


  1. Mary loves her eggs in a nest too :)Such sweet pictures of your grandchildren.

  2. Looks like a great brkfst!

    Hope that your hubby and son get some great pictures.
    Car shows are such a blast!

    Your grands are too cute....and growing like weeds!

    Enjoy your day :)


  3. Now that looks like a perfect start to a weekend. Yum. Love the kiddos pictures too. They look like they have a good time together at your house.

  4. Ethan and Emma both have such a cute twinkle in their eyes. The last picture is funny with Ethan hanging on to catch a ride with Emma. So sweet.

  5. Sounds like a nice start to the weekend! Your grandchildren are precious! :-)

  6. The grands are just precious, such cute pics. Love the eggs too. Hugs, Marty
