Monday, April 2, 2012

Summer Already?

I think we've skipped spring & went straight to summer here in Oklahoma.
The temperature was near 90 yesterday.  
Over the weekend we started to spruce up the deck for the summer season.
 Thanks to my blog friend, Christine @ Faded Roses,
for the heads up about $7.50 ferns at Lowe's.
Hummingbird feeders are filled.
I know it's a little early for their arrival, 
but I thought maybe they'd show up early.
Trees in the greenbelt behind our house are green & beautiful
Now we need to choose flowers for the flowerbeds & pots.
Any suggestions for full sun beds?


  1. Oh such pretty trees and I love the ferns. We were hot here too in the 90's. Today is back down to the high 70's. Crazy weather. Hugs, Marty

  2. Beautiful pics! Love the fern, and the trees are so pretty and green! I need to get my hummingbird feeders out. Summer must indeed be here!

  3. Great minds think alike. ; )
    We put out our humming bird feeder too. They don't usually show up her until the first of May, but I wanted to have the welcome mat out for the little fellas, just in case.

  4. I'm hoping the 90 degree weather we've had the past couple of days is NOT an indicator of things to come.

  5. Holy Moly! You do have warm weather!
    We had SNOW over the weekend. Yep.. cold wet snow.
    It's melted off now, but the temps are staying in the 50's.

    I think I need to do a Spring dance !

  6. This is one of the things I love about blogging. Seeing what its like in different states. It was sunny here in Pa today but oh chilly. Your 90 degree weather sounds a bit hot but I'd like a few hours of it!

  7. How wonderful to have such nice weather! I know my in-laws are really enjoying the nice weather there for their visit.

  8. Holy cow, what a difference from here. It's mild now but will turn colder with rain and even wet snow next week. Those bargain ferns will have to wait:((
