Monday, April 16, 2012

Having Fun In MO

We're having a great time on our trip to Warrensburg,Missouri.
My sister, Susan & her hubby, Mike are great hosts.
Here a few pictures of our adventures on Sunday.
We ate dinner at this down town restaurant.
Susan, Mary & me
There is no Starbucks in this quaint town,
but this coffee shop is next door to Heroes.
Have you ever heard of Old Drum?
Me either.
This statue is on the grounds of the Johnson County courthouse.
Ever wonder where the saying,
 " A man's best friend is his dog," came from?
Read about it here.
The "Old Drum" festival was held this past weekend.
Tribute To The Dog

Here is the train station.
We checked the schedule to see if Mary could take the train 
from Houston to Warrensburg.
It would take 24 hours if she wanted to take the trip.
Hmmmm . . . maybe not.

Here I am cozy & warm under a quilt last night
 in front of the fireplace.

Tomorrow I'll give you a tour of Susan & Mike's new home.

I'm linking with . . .


  1. Looks great! Love seeing the photos of you.

  2. I'll take quaint little towns to the big cities anyday.

  3. I hope you are all safe with the crazy weather in your neck of the woods. Looks like you are having a fun time! I will read the story a little later, it said get a tissue to continue reading. Not sure I want a sad story today!
    Stay safe!

  4. Wonderful to see what an enjoyable time you are having! Looks like such great fun! :)

  5. Isn't is fun to visit sisters . . . I had a sister living in Missouri and always had fund when visiting her. Enjoy your stay.

  6. Hope you are having lots of fun! :)
