Friday, April 20, 2012

Fun With Grandkids

There's nothing more fun than watching your grandkids play, laugh and enjoy life.
Here's some of the fun we had with Ethan & Emma Thursday evening.
The baby gate no longer keeps Ethan from playing on the stairs.
standing at the banister for a few seconds
then sliding down on his tummy
over & over again, until we said let's do something else.
Next, crawling races in the hall . . . 
noise making with the springy door stops . . . 

funny faces 

We also ate dinner, read about 100 books, built houses with building blocks,changed several diapers, etc. etc.
We were tired when Mommy & Daddy picked them up, 
but that's okay.  We always love spending precious time with our grandkids.


  1. I can so relate to this post. Our grands love coming over to our house because we play with them the whole time they are here. AND we are exhausted when they leave. But worth the memories we are making.

  2. So much fun. The busy grandkids will keep you young. : )

  3. Have a good rest and happy week-end.

  4. How fun :)

    What great grandparents you are to watch and spend time with your grands.
    Clearly.. you love 'em buckets and buckets full !

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Hi darling, there's nothing better than having grandchildren around, they make our hears sing..Your grandchildren are adoable. The ferns will eventually go back out and stay out, sure don'want to ruin their beauty by getting frost bit or scrunched from covering them. It's a wonder they don't have shock issues as many times as I've brought them in and taken them back out again.. lol
    hugs ~lynne~

  6. How fun! Such a cute post. I always love hearing how your grandchildren are doing:)

  7. Oh, how sweet! I'm envious! Love those little cuties.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. loved your post about the kids. Looks like old fashion fun was had by all.

  9. One day there will be another place they would rather be for the evening so enjoy every single second of it. I miss those days.

    It's not that I want to do it again.. :) but I do miss it. Always will.

    Thank you for stopping by..I'm glad you like what I did to my patio set.
