Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April Showers

We're enjoying a nice April rain this morning.
I love the sound of an old fashioned thunderstorm.
There are no storm warnings.
Just peaceful rain.
too wet to put up a new flag
leaves heavy with rain

This kind of day is perfect for being lazy.
I can't be lazy today.
Company will be here tomorrow.
Cleaning & fluffing of the guest room must be done.


  1. Have fun getting ready for company. I'm gearing up for company too. : )

  2. Good Morning Carol Sweetie...
    Oh I can hear the thunder and smell the clean air. I love a gentle rain. Makes me think of that song, Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain. Do you have your windows open?

    We supposedly have a 30% chance of rain on Friday. I am thinking maybe 2-3 drops. LOL they always tell us big rain and the desert gets notta. We shall see, a gal can dream right?

    Have a great time with the company. It is always so fun to have visitors.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  3. Prefect kind of rain to sleep by. Have a great day with your company.

  4. I love hearing thunder in the distance. Severe lightening is another thing! I like when the thunder is around for a while. The storms in the northeast seem to last about an hour and they are gone. Have fun fluffing today!

  5. We had rain today here too! Have fun with your company :)

  6. The rain keeps missing us so have to water. You would think it was summer here so dry.

  7. Lovely Spring showers... how nice.

    Everything will look clean and bright and green for your company.

    Enjoy your day :)

  8. We had rain here today too. I love these days as well. Have fun with your company -- take some pics of them, AND pics of whatever FOOD you make to serve. :)
