Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Green Bling

Spring is here!
Gorgeous, warm days & nights.
Easter is fast approaching . . .
three weeks from Sunday.
Mr. Bosley Reed wanted to be the first rabbit to make an appearance
for 'Spring Green Bling'.  
A little green on the entry way table.

More rabbits & bunnies will be coming soon
to help greet spring in 6 days!

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  1. How very cute! I love green, and need to have a lot of green around me. Did I tell you I've got the book? Ree's new book?

  2. Spring has sprung way before the calendar says, for sure. Bring on the bunnies.

  3. What a sweet little bunny.
    It's hard to believe that we are already half way through the month of March.... eekkk..

    Love all your 'Spring Green Bling'!

  4. Love Mr. Bosley Reed! ~~ I'm ready to hide some Easter eggs! :)

  5. Time is marching on so to speak.I am ready for deviled eggs.

  6. Hi Carol. What cute bunnies making the scene at your house! I love this time of year and thank you so much for your kind words.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
