Monday, March 26, 2012

Last Monday

I can't believe today is the last Monday of March!
This month has whizzed by!

I'm just getting started with Easter bling decorating.
Here's a little sneak peak . . . 
the entry table
I put these little blocks here so the grandkids could play with them.

Speaking of grandkids . . . 
they came over to play yesterday evening.
Ethan loves playing with his new skateboard man that 
his Mommy bought at a garage sale for 25 cents.

While Papaw & Ethan went to the park with the wagon,
Emma & I played together in the kitchen.
Who needs toys when you can play with plastic bowls?

Keep checking back to see more Easter bling . . .


  1. Easter is very close, this month went very fast for me.

  2. I love that picture of Emma. So cute and so true! I did a little bit of Easter decoration this weekend too.

  3. Hi Carol! Look at those little darlings! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. I Love the idea of the blocks that the grandkids can play with. What a special place they have at Grandma's house! ...A life time of memories! :)

  5. Emma will be helping you cook any day now. Those bunnies are sure to multiply. ; o

  6. Lots of great toys in Grandmother's cupboards, I'm sure. Like you, I can't believe that March is nearly done.
