Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4, 2011

March 4, 2011 was a day filled with a ride on the emotional roller coaster of life. 
Worry, fear, concern, followed by joy, relief, the miracle of new life and thankfulness.

That day started when we found out our daughter~in~law was having contractions & was admitted to the hospital in hopes of stopping the contractions.  She was not supposed to have the baby for another 6 weeks. 

I have never written about this part of that 
day before on this blog.
 Bob & I were going to a doctor's appointment that morning to hear the results of a breast biopsy I had the day before.
Fear and concern were bombarding my mind.
Fear, I may have cancer and concern for Kari.
Relief and thankfulness flooded over and through me when I heard that the biopsy was benign.

When we drove away from the hospital we continued getting updates on Kari.
The contractions were not slowing down.  
Afternoon turned to evening.
Little 5 pound 6 oz, Emma was born 6 weeks early.

She spent 4 weeks in the NICU.

Today she is celebrating being a healthy 1 year old.

Words that describe Emma are,
curious, adventurous and vocal.

What a sweet little girl you are!
The day you were born was a special day!

Happy 1st Birthday!
Nana & Papaw, love you so very much! 


  1. Emma is a little doll.
    Her future is so bright she has to wear shades. : )

  2. God Bless you and Emma is so cute.

  3. Doesn't seem like it has been a year since your health ordeal and Emma's birth. God is loving and gracious to us when we are in the middle of the storm.
    Love you sis and happy birthday Emma!

  4. I love this post, Carol. What a great testimony to God's goodness and comfort! What Mary said is so very true! Thanks for the sweet little tribute to Emma =) Love you! And so thankful God has blessed you with health!

  5. The Lord is so good! Little Emma is just a doll!
