Monday, March 12, 2012

Just A Little St. Paddy Bling

Remember this cute green fella?
My sister, Susan send him to me a while back.
She came up with a perfect name.
 International Hopper of Pollywogs

The grandkids came over to hang out yesterday.
Ethan enjoyed riding his Daddy's tricycle that we had been storing in the attic.

By the way, our attic cleaning and organizing on Saturday was very successful.
I think the 'spring cleaning bug' has bit me hard and I'm ready to keep purging.
We're having a garage sale in April.

Emma was on the move not wanting to miss any of the fun.
Brother & sister being silly.

I added just a little St. Paddy's Day bling. 
These fun friends are leftovers from my classroom decorations.
This little lady is growing shamrocks.
Ziggy is decked out in his green so he won't be pinched on the 17th.
Sparkle on the kitchen table.

The bunnies & rabbits are patiently waiting to come out & play.
They will start helping me decorate for spring & Easter very soon.

I'm linking with . . .
Delightfully Inspiring Thursday


  1. Ethan looks like a pro on the trike, soon Emma will get her turn with it. The fun never stops at Nana and PaPaw's house.

  2. I bet Ethan and Emma love coming to your home. A tricycle in the house . . . what an exceptional grandparent. I'm impressed

  3. I loved seeing your green bling and your grandkids :)

  4. Love the frog! Somehow I missed his initial presentation. Yay Ihop! :)
    What Great pics of your grandchildren! Being a grandma is just the Best!
    Oh, and I Love Ziggy! Cute decorations!
