Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Eve & Day

Valentine's Eve 

Monday I made crock pot chicken tortilla soup  for dinner.
When I threw all the ingredients in the crock pot that morning I had no idea we'd been having company for dinner.  Late in the afternoon Hubby called & said the kids would be joining us for dinner.  I jumped into action and got the dining room ready.  

Ethan was in a "mood", but quickly snapped out of it when he saw his chocolate heart.

Emma was happy with her sweet potato puffs.

When Hubby was setting down I noticed he seemed more excited than he normally is when it's time for dinner.  
Not long after we started eating we hear someones cell phone ringing. 
 Whose phone was it?
  Hubby's? No.
Kari's? No.
 Bobby's?  No. 
 Mine?  No, that wasn't my ring tone.
Bobby stood up & reached on top of the china hutch and took down a small box & card.
When I realized what it was I said,
 "Are you kidding me?"

Here's my Valentine's Eve surprise.
A new iPhone from Hubby!
My old phone was a relic & not easy to text on.
I'm learning all the ends & outs of how it works.
So far I love it!  
Bobby & Kari helped pull off the surprise by going to the AT&T store for Hubby.
Kari got a new iPhone, too!

Valentine's Night 

Last night we met the kids for dinner at Red Lobster.
We thought we'd be smart & go early.
Everyone else had the same idea.
We didn't have to wait too long, 30 minutes.

Emma sat on my lap while we waited.
She was checking out everyone who walked by.

Ethan was all smiles.

Good food + good company = a fun time

I'm linking with . . .
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 


  1. Sounds like a great Valentine's - cool iPhone!

    following from the Get Wired Wed. blog hop. Have a great day :)

  2. Surprises are the best, enjoy your new phone. Emma looks like she was taking in all the excitment, love her watchful eye, so cute. And Ethan has that perpetual smile, he is a charmer. Your Nanna heart is full of grandkid's love. Count your blessings name them one by one.

  3. You are going to love your new phone. Just hope you don't get addicted to it like I have mine. Sounds like you had a great Valentine's Day.

  4. How fun and what a great surprise. A fabulous day for sure. Hugs, Marty

  5. Looks like you had a great Valentine's Day! How fun to get a new phone. I am still in the dark ages with a flip phone :) Your grandkids are so cute!

  6. Aww I love the pictures of my babies! You took some great ones =) So glad you're enjoying your new phone!

  7. Love the photos! What a great gift too. Love it I am sure it is delish too. Hugs and thank you for linking up Katherines Corner xo

  8. Looks like the very best of times for you with your sweet family.
